I've heard good things about Python, so I decided to watch a Tech Talk about it.
Basically the ideas are as follows:
1. trust the programmer
2. don't prevent the programmer from doing what needs to be done
3. keep the language small and simple
4. provide only 1 way of doing a specific task
So I asked myself how would I expect to use Python.
Well instead of using my currently favoured languages Java & C#, I would use the language when working with people I totally trust as good programmers with the right skills and same perspective as I. People the speak the same language.. aye.
Some of the differences lie in 'Trust the programmer', if the language has to trust the programmer, then programmers must trust each other. For an example in Python you do not use 'private' annotation or other permissive annotations. This means a programmer of one class cannot totally ensure correct use of the class from another programmer.
If I were to write a program that will be used in a big corporation, where there are programmers of varying skills I would probably like to encapsulate some properties, for them not to be bastardized out of scope and loosing complete track of its usage. The debugging nightmare. To some extend this is argumented against by the speaker in the Tech Talk. He states 'You don't want your code to be misued by fools, but as we all know fools can be ingenious'. What he means is that they will find some other workaround possible obscuring the usage even further.
Several other benefits of Python are passing of functions, usage of templates, multiple inheritance(careful though!) and more.
I will try it out and update with a little example here.
I work with software development as a freelance developer.