Tests in web applications
Features in a web application reside in one of two locations: On the client or on the server.
A unit test of the feature in the serverside codebase can cover numerous errors. If the application is written in PHP, Python or any other language compiled at runtime, the unit test can cover compiler errors. It can also cover logical errors and the error of not meeting the requirements.
A functional test on the client side can also cover the integration test with browsers if the test framework can execute the tests in multiple browsers, otherwise the lowest denominator might be adequate (think IE 6).
frameworks to use
Almost every decent language has a unit testing framework which provide a standard way of defining, executing and reporting tests. Some, like Django's, also handles the fixtures, like creating and deleting a database for each test run. This is very helpful.
For functional tests in the browser engine, there are numerous frameworks. Some record a macro and repeats it, these tools are to be avoided, since they make maintenance of the tests very cumbersome, which may lead to neglect in the project. Instead of dicussing pro's and con's of various frameworks, like loadrunner, selenium etc. I'm simply going for Canoo's webtest, which aggregates HtmlUnit and several other thirdparty frameworks into one very good framework.
It has the advantage that it is defined in XML, which ought to be readable by most with at least some technical interest. Think testers, new developers and maybe even project managers. It also has a very good reporting tool that is generated in static html files. I'll give an example of a webtest further down.
implementing and maintaining the tests
When developing testdriven, it is a given that at least unit tests are being made. In most IDE's for java developers JUnit tests are we easily made and runnable (though sometimes it can be tricky to setup a full test suite running all tests). In Django you simply write a tests.py module at the root of your application*1. The management tool in Django can then invoke all tests py simple running 'manage.py tests' at the root of the project. In java you have to marshal all the tests in an ANT script or reference all test classes from 1 testsuite, leading to tedious work that puts the tests in jeopardy of being neglected.
A canoo webtest is run by an ANT script. 1 script, which I always use is simply called 'allTests.xml'. Separating tests should not be the norm as with JUnit instead you should have to put some effort into excluding certain tests. The exclusions might be performance tests or some other test that is not a candidate for regression testing.
In webtest you may define several macros and reuse them when you like and it has all the functionality of ANT. In the next section I give an example of a test implementation.
testing upload and file conversion
This feature of my project involves multiple units on the serverside and only 1 clientside. Because most of the features serverside are using almost exclusively the Django framework there is no need to cover it, so I can rely on one simple unit test to test this for me, it takes a file and converts it, which is the only part I have implemented myself:
def test_convert_video(self):
entity = Entity(name="test video")
physical = Physical(content_object=entity)
convert_to_flv(self.avifilename, self.flvfilename, physical)
result = os.path.exists(self.flvfilename)
self.assertEqual(self.flvfilename, physical.converted_filename)
There are several more features surrounding this one, like test_grab_thumbnail_from_flv, test_invalid_cleanup_convert_video, test_get_default_thumbnail_filename and many more. This part has to have high coverage because it is a core function of the web application, but I will not go into priority vs. coverage in this entry.
The unit under test in the example is the convert_to_flv. When the test executes a fake database is set up and some test doubles are made. The files used in the test are cleaned up afterwards to ensure that the state of the system is not changed as a result of the test.
On the client side I have this webtest:
<target name="test">
<webtest name="add different kinds of content">
<login username="user" password="pass"/>
<addContent name="picture 1" file="../../JOOLLU_webtest/tests/picture1.png"/>
<addContent name="picture 2" file="../../JOOLLU_webtest/tests/babe.jpg"/>
<addContent name="movie 1" file="../../JOOLLU_webtest/tests/plane_lands.avi"/>
<addContent name="movie 2" file="../../JOOLLU_webtest/tests/preview.mov"/>
<addContent name="" file="../../JOOLLU_webtest/tests/preview.mov"/>
<addContent name="plain flv" file="../../JOOLLU_webtest/tests/3.flv"/>
It covers the feature of uploading files. Other tests rely on this being executed which leads to test dependencies, which is totally fine. If it was a requirement not to have test dependencies I would have tests that were hard to maintain since all tests relying on this one would have to upload content themselves, putting the test at risk of being neglected.
Inspect the test. The tag 'addContent' is one macro I have defined as a part of my test project, and it looks like this:
<macrodef name="addContent" description="add some content to the current user profile">
<attribute name="name"/>
<attribute name="file"/>
<clickLink label="add content"/>
<setInputField name="name" value="@{name}"/>
<setFileField name="file" fileName="@{file}"/>
<clickButton htmlId="add_button"/>
The power of this is that I can encapsulate code that is part of implementing the tests separately and thus make the actual test easier to read and maintain. A tester with no programming background would be able to read the test and change the name of the file and the file itself.
Among other tests that rely on this I have contentValidation.xml, invalidContentValidation.xml, verifyCorrectContent.xml and many others. The nice thing is that each subsequent test can be a direct verification of the feature or requirement. This way I can ensure that no test effort is lost because the implementation on the server has changed.
closing remarks
Testing this way allows for full coverage of a web application. The webtest framework can handle almost all browser functionality even Ajax, ehich is due to the HtmlUit project. It has a couple of bugs, it can for example only drag and drop 1 item for each test. But these are minor issues. If my application did not contain flash as part of the implementation I reckon I could achieve 100% coverage in automatic tests. As it is now I don't have much test of requirements for performance, but I think I'm at 80% coverage in total with unit tests and webtest.
To get the high automatic coverage you need to figure out on which side you have to test your feature, client or server. Then implement the unit tests for serverside and clientside tests in a framework like webtest.. and then you can implement the feature itself, knowing that when the bar in the reporting tool reaches green.. you are finished.

canoo webtest
Django testing
*1 in Django there are multiple applications per project. An application in Django is the equivalent of a plugin in Eclipse RCP or a Web Application Resource in J2EE.